Alfiyah va shalfiyah
This manuscript is one of the class of works that goes by the generic title of 'Lizzat al-nisa’' or 'Women's pleasure.' It covers the use of medicinal drugs for personal beauty and as aphrodisiacs, and a manual explaining and illustrating various positions during sexual intercourse. The text ultimately derives from Sanskrit works such as the Kamasutra and Kokashastra. The manuscript is of Indian provenance, as is clear from the thirty-four illustrations executed in a popular nineteenth-century style. There is a personal seal, illegible, on the last page.
Three essays: Book of medicine, Etiquette of intercourse, About removing stains
This manuscript contains a major text and two minor texts. The first part is a book of Tibb (medicine) -- descriptions of the body, diseases, and cures. There is a break in the continuity of topic, style of writing, etc. The second document is a short essay about intercourse, and the third is about different stains and how to remove them.
Basat-i nishat
A sarcastic and male-centered essay in which noble women are "ugly" or old, and female slaves are pretty, kind and well-behaved.There are parts on men's desire for men and women's desire for women, vows of sisterhood, preparation of the bride and groom for the wedding night, wives and husbands relationships, etc. Parts of the document refer to Kulsum Nanah. At the end, there is a review of different types of pleasure according to their length.