Regarding the nationality of two thousand families in Kurdistan, 1910
Letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from their office in Kurdistan regarding the nationality of about two thousand families with Ottoman nationality, and restoring their Iranian nationality
Settlement regarding Taraziyah Khanum's inheritance, 1903
The Catholics of Kurdistan claim that Taraziyah Khanum, daughter of Khvajah Bavi Masihi (Christian), endowed all her belongings to the Catholic Church of Kurdistan before her passing. This is confirmed by Khalifah Yusuf, the head of Chaldean Catholics of Tehran, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, Taraziyah Khanum's husband claims that she transferred her belongings to him in the presence of witnesses. A settlement is made to resolve the dispute, according to which five thousand tumans from her inheritance is paid to the church and the rest of her belongings go to her husband....
Abduction of Christian girls by Kurds, 1910
Includes correspondence among the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its office in Urumiyah, the Ministry of Interior, the Iranian Embassy, and the Ottoman Embassy, regarding the abduction of three Christian girls by Kurds in the villages in the vicinity of Urumiyah. First, regarding Katrin, who was abducted by Qasim and his group, and was taken to Haydarlu village, includes the account of freeing the girl and her testimony on being taken by force; and the consequent revenge of the Kurds against the people of Haydarlu who helped in the girl's rescue and injuring Khalil Bayg and killing his...