Etiquette for socializing women
A male-centered, often misogynous text written in the tradition of satirical books of advice to women about their conduct and behavior. For more information about this version see page 3 of the second volume of Malik Library's catalogue of manuscripts. Also see Ruhangiz Karachi's article “Who is the original author of Ta’dib al-nisvan?”, Tarikh-i adabiyat, 65, 3 (summer 2010): 199-208.
Hajj travelogue
The author's name is not known. The pilgrimage is in Muhammad Shah period. The travelogue includes information about women pilgrims, including Ziyaʼ al-Saltanah, daughter of Fath ‘Ali Shah. More information about this item could be found on page 465 of the third volume (first part) of Malik Library's catalog of manuscripts. Page 17 bears the seal of Muhammad Husayn.
Marriage contract of Zahra Khanum with Haji Shaykh Musa, 1882
The marriage contract of Zahra Khanum daughter of Haji Mulla Hadi Tehrani, with Haji Shaykh Musa, son of Haji Mulla muhammad Husayn. The Mahr is 300 tuman and a Qurʼan. The marriage condition: that the wife choose the marital residence.
Marriage contract of Muhtaram Khanum [?] and the son of Hujjat al-Islam Aqa Sayyid Abu al-Hasan, 1913
The marriage contract of Muhtaram Khanum[?] daughter of Mirza Qasim Khan, and the son of Hujjat al-Islam Aqa Sayyid Abu al-Hasan. The Mahr is 150 tuman and a Qurʼan. On the last page of the marriage contract a date of divorce is registered as 1926.
Marriage contract of Qudrat al-Muluk Khanum with Shahzadah ʻAbd al-Aziz Mirza Bashir al-Dawlah, 1923
The marriage contract of Qudrat al-Muluk Khanum, daughter of Shahzadah Ziyaʼ al-Din Mirza, with Shahzadah ʻAbd al-Aziz Mirza Bashir al-Dawlah, son of ʻAbd al-Javad Mirza Bashir al-Dawlah. The Mahr is a Qurʼan, 1150 tuman, and other gifts.
Marriage contract of Sadiqah Khanum with Mirza Faraj Allah, 1930
The marriage contract of Sadiqah Khanum, daughter of Mirza Mahmud, with Mirza Faraj Allah, son of Karbalayi Mirza Haji Aqa Simnani al-Asl. The Mahr is 100 tumans and a Qurʼan.
Marriage contract of daughter of Haji Sahm al-Mulk Amirtuman with Abu al-Fath Mirza Muʼayyid al-Dawlah, 1906
The marriage contract of daughter of Haji Sahm al-Mulk Amirtuman, with Abu al-Fath Mirza Muʼayyid al-Dawlah. The Mahr is 10,000 tuman and a Qurʼan.
Maʻayib al-rijal [Vices of men]
Ma‘ayib al-rijal [Vices of Men], written by Bibi Khanum Astarabadi (1858 or 59-1921) in 1894, first published in 1992. Vices of Men was Bibi Khanum’s response to Ta’dib al-niswan [Disciplining Women], also known as Ta’dib al-nisa’, a male-centered, often misogynous text in the tradition of satirical books of advice to men about how to treat their wives and train their daughters. This text begins autobiographically with Bibi Khanum explaining her social and educational background. The text is composed of two sections; the first is a direct wittily angry response to Disciplining Women. The...
Najat al-Muslimat [Salvation of Muslim women], 1809 or 1810
A religious guide for Muslim women, written by Nuri Jahan Tihrani, daughter of Haji ‘Abd al-Ghaffar Tihrani.
Ta’dib al-nisvan [Disciplining women]
Ta’dib al-nisvan [Disciplining Women], also known as Ta’dib al-nisaʼ, is a male-centered, often misogynous text written in the tradition of satirical books of advice to men about how to treat their wives and train their daughters. According to Ruhangiz Karachi, the author of this text is most probably Khanlar Mirza Ihtisham al-Dawlah (d. 1861, a son of Fath ‘Ali Shah). See “Who is the original author of Ta’dib al-nisvan?”, Tarikh-i adabiyat, 65, 3 (summer 2010): 199-208. This version is written in the hand of Asiyah, daughter of Sayyid Husayn Husayni on 2 Shaʻban 1313 [18 January 1896], and...