Jamilah Khanum's endowment, 1908
Jamilah Khanum, the daughter of Husaynquli Khan, has endowed a school and a mosque she had built to the south of her own house and has appointed Qamar Taj Khanum, the daughter of Riza Quli Khan Fakhim al-Dawlah as the custodian. Qamar Taj Khanum will be responsible for assigning the prayer Imam and hiring the tutors, servants, and students, whose salaries, along with the other costs of the school and the mosque, will be derived from the revenue of some properties in the village of Suharin in Zanjan Rud district. Jamilah Khanum has also designated the custodianship honorarium for Qamar Taj...
Narjis Khatun's endowment, 1896
Copy of an endowment with the seal of the office of endowments in Zanjan; Narjis Khatun (known as Amirzadah Khanum), the daughter of Muzaffar al-Dawlah, has endowed the village of Almalu, the revenue from which is to be spent on ta‘ziyah, charity to the poor, and aid for pilgrims. Narjis Khatun herself will be the custodian while she is alive and will be succeeded by her male offspring, by female offspring in the absence of any male descendants, and, in the absence of any female offspring, by the most knowledgable of the learned men of Zanjan. Narjis Khatun has dedicated the merit of the...